Problemi con porte e finestre?
Abbiamo due possibilita per regolare porte o finestre in legno con cerniere tradizionali Anuba.
Prima possibilita:
girare nella parte alta o bassa la cerniere sul telaio o sulla porta.
Dipende tutto dalla possibilita di regolazione.
Seconda possibilita:
spessorare le cerniere per alzare la porta, se, tocca per terra o se tocca il telaio in chiusura,
se è una finestra.
I spessori sono di ottone,
materiale sogetto a consumo, e, non consuma la cerniera.
In apertura le finestre o porte non cigolano.
Misure per fineste 8 mm, 9 mm
per porte 10 mm, 11mm, 12 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm
Esistono misure superiori, usate per cerniere portoni ingresso.
Problems with windows and doors?
We have two possibilities to adjust doors and wooden windows with conventional hinges Anuba.
First possibility:
run in the top or bottom of the hinges on the frame or on the door.
It all depends on the possibility of adjustment.
Second chance:
shimming the hinges to lift the door, if, touches the ground or if it touches the frame closure,
if it is a window.
The spacers are made of brass,
UNLIMITED PARTNERSHIP material to use, and does not consume the zipper.
In opening the windows or doors do not squeak.
Windows all measures 8 mm, 9 mm
for doors 10 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm
There are larger sizes, use the zipper entry doors.
Problems with windows and doors?
We have two possibilities to adjust doors and wooden windows with conventional hinges Anuba.
First possibility:
run in the top or bottom of the hinges on the frame or on the door.
It all depends on the possibility of adjustment.
Second chance:
shimming the hinges to lift the door, if, touches the ground or if it touches the frame closure,
if it is a window.
The spacers are made of brass,
UNLIMITED PARTNERSHIP material to use, and does not consume the zipper.
In opening the windows or doors do not squeak.
Windows all measures 8 mm, 9 mm
for doors 10 mm, 11 mm, 12 mm, 13 mm, 14 mm
There are larger sizes, use the zipper entry doors.
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